Here you'll find the most frequently asked questions we receive, please take a look at our full policies if you have further questions!


1. What does ASNF stand for?

ASNF stands for "A Son Never Forgets" If you'd like to find out more about our team and what this means, we recommend visiting our story page here!


2. Do you have free shipping?

Orders amounting to $199 or more qualify for complimentary shipping within the contiguous United States, which can be chosen at checkout. While expedited shipping incurs a cost, we will deduct the amount equivalent to the free shipping from the expedited shipping fee. Please note that this promotion does not apply to Alaska, Hawaii, military addresses, or items that are too bulky for UPS, FedEx, or USPS delivery. For more information on our shipping policies, click here!


3. What kind of warranty do you offer?

ASNF Performance does not offer any warranty coverage for defective products purchased from the website. However, most products listed on our website are covered by manufacturer warranty. For more information on how to start a warranty claim with us, please visit our warranty policy here!


4. I need to return a part I ordered, how do I do that?

After reviewing our return policies which can be found here, please visit our customer contact form to submit a ticket so that a customer service team member may assist you in setting up a return! Our customer contact form can be found here.


5. What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Paypal, Affirm, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, ShopPay, Apple Pay, GooglePay, Meta Pay, and Amazon Pay. For more information on financing parts, please click here.